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  2. FlatFrog Board for Rooms - Legacy
  3. Software Set-up for FlatFrog Board for Rooms

How to Setup FlatFrog Board for Rooms With Quicklaunch?

Setup a new application shortcut on a Quicklaunch “Tile”. This will make sure that users will find the application and that it is setup correctly to work

Configuring FlatFrog Rooms with Quicklaunch

To use FlatFrog Board for Rooms in the meeting room together with Quicklaunch, it is recommended that you setup a new application shortcut on a Quicklaunch “Tile”. This will make sure that users will find the application and that it is setup correctly to work well with the Quicklaunch configuration. Below you will find a How-to guide to configure Quicklaunch correctly.

How to download FlatFrog Board for Rooms and Quicklaunch

  • Register and download FlatFrog Board for Rooms. See this guide.
  • Download and register Quicklaunch. see guides here
    1. Download Quicklaunch

How to configure Quicklaunch shortcut to FlatFrog Board for Rooms

  1. Start Quicklaunch
  2. Enter design mode by tap on the "edit" icon in the top right corner
  3. Now tap on the Collaborate "Tile", or the "Tile" where you want to add the FlatFrog Rooms
  4. Now tap on the change action tile
  5. Click on the "+" sign. 
  6. Customize the tile.

    Now enter the following information:

    Name FlatFrog Board or Whiteboard
    Short name
    FlatFrog Board or Whiteboard
    Icon background
    Program path
    Startup Folder
    %USERPROFILE%\Pictures\FlatFrog Board
    Arguments /C start flatfrog.whiteboard:dashboard=ql
    Process name

    Icon data

    Download PNG file


  7. Finally enter a new rule by tapping the small "+" icon under Display rules.
Name Option Value
Window lookup Title contains FlatFrog Board
Change state Enabled Maximized
Change Z-order Enabled Top

Tap ok and exit Design mode.