1. Knowledge base
  2. FlatFrog Board
  3. How to Collaborate with other Participants on your Team?

The Roles of a Host and Participants in a Board Session

Remote collaboration takes place when a Host invites Participants to join a Board.

The Host is the initial user hosting the Board. The Board can be hosted from the FlatFrog Rooms app and from the FlatFrog Board web app. The Host can then invite other users to join them by sending them a link or informing them of the Board code. The Participants may also invite others to join the Board which will connect them to the Host.

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The Participant is a user that joins the Board
after receiving a link through an invitation or the Board Code from the Host. The Participant can join from either the FlatFrog Rooms app or from the FlatFrog Board web app. 

If a Participant leaves the Board, they can rejoin as long as the Host still has the Board up and running. If the Host closes the Board, all other Participants will be forced to leave the Board.


Learn more about inviting and joining on the FlatFrog Rooms meeting room app here.

Learn more about inviting and joining on the FlatFrog Board web app here.